Did you know that Kindergartners have superpowers? To start our year off with a bang, we decided to learn, practice, and master all of our superpowers that it takes to be a Kindergartner! These included:
Writing/recognizing our name
Using glue correctly
3 Star illustrations
Counting/knowing numbers
Recognizing/names letters
Using a whiteboard marker
Taking care of Play Doh
Closing markers
Using scissors
Wow! We knew that the Kinders were super, but their superpowers are out of this world! Each day, we donned our capes, struck a superhero pose, and practiced away. Over the course of a few weeks, we mastered so many skills and are now ready to fully jump into all things Kindergarten for the rest of the year now that we are Kindergarten ready. Make sure to ask your Kinders about the different badges on their capes, what they stand for, and perhaps ask them to show you some of their superpowers!
Writing/recognizing our name
Using glue correctly
3 Star illustrations
Counting/knowing numbers
Recognizing/names letters
Using a whiteboard marker
Taking care of Play Doh
Closing markers
Using scissors
Wow! We knew that the Kinders were super, but their superpowers are out of this world! Each day, we donned our capes, struck a superhero pose, and practiced away. Over the course of a few weeks, we mastered so many skills and are now ready to fully jump into all things Kindergarten for the rest of the year now that we are Kindergarten ready. Make sure to ask your Kinders about the different badges on their capes, what they stand for, and perhaps ask them to show you some of their superpowers!